Pharmacy Technician and Pharmacist of the Year Honors

Shelly Heizer, CPhT (l) was named Pharmacy Technician of the Year and Susie Turner, PharmD, RPh (r) was named Pharmacist of the Year for 2017.
Each year Northwest Texas Healthcare System’s Department of Pharmacy recognizes one pharmacy technician and one pharmacist with the Mickey Dan Cornett Pharmacy Technician and Pharmacist of the Year awards. This honor was created in memory of Mickey Dan Cornett, a long-term staff pharmacist at Northwest, fondly remembered for his contributions to the pharmacy department. The award reads, “Mickey gave unconditionally to his family, friends, church and profession. May we strive to reach his high standards and follow his example of putting other’s feelings and needs before our own.” The honorees are selected among nominations submitted by their peers.
For 2017, the recipient of the Pharmacy Technician of the Year award is Shelly Heizer, CPhT. Shelly began working as a technician at NWTHS in 2002 after relocating to Texas from Mississippi. She currently works in the role of Inventory Manager, which has become increasingly challenging in the face of the national medication and solution shortages. Shelly manages the shortages with professionalism, patience and grace, ensuring that the patients of NWTHS have the medications they need.
The Pharmacist of the Year for 2017 is Susie Turner, PharmD, RPh. Susie graduated in 2000 from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Pharmacy and has worked as a pharmacist at Northwest since 2011. Susie is praised by her peers for her knowledge about medications, protocols and technology and her commitment to her co-workers to lend a hand wherever needed.