Northwest Children's Is Texas Panhandle's Primary Pediatric Provider

Northwest Texas Children's Hospital

Northwest Children's Hospital of Northwest Texas Healthcare System offers more than 10 pediatric subspecialties and serves as the Texas Panhandle's primary healthcare provider for children. Every member of our staff works to help children and their families feel as close to home as possible in any of our 29 spacious, private inpatient rooms.

Pediatric Oncology

As the only pediatric oncology center in the area, Northwest Children’s Hospital provides comprehensive cancer care for children of West Texas, the Panhandle, southwestern Oklahoma and eastern New Mexico. Our partnership with Texas Tech Physicians Pediatrics in Amarillo enables us to provide advanced childhood cancer care, close to home, in a specialized cancer center with trained oncology teams.

Learn more about pediatric oncology →

Pediatric Hospitalists

A pediatric hospitalist is a hospital-based physician who may provide medical care if your child has an illness or injury that requires inpatient care. Pediatric hospitalists at Northwest Children's Hospital care for children who have a wide range of illnesses and medical needs including:

  • Acute infectious illnesses of the blood, skin, lungs and kidneys
  • Respiratory illnesses such as pneumonia and croup
  • Problems with chronic illnesses such as diabetes and asthma
  • Common pediatric illnesses such as influenza and dehydration
  • Recovery from injuries or surgeries

When your child leaves the hospital, a pediatric hospitalist will provide your pediatrician with an overview of your child’s hospital stay and detailed instructions for any necessary further care.

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Our Level III NICU treats babies who are as young as 23 weeks gestational age, and is designed to provide care for babies with a variety of respiratory and infectious conditions. Our staff includes neonatologists, registered nurses, respiratory therapists, occupational, speech and physical therapists, social workers and breastfeeding specialists, all specially trained to work with infants in the NICU. Your baby's care team will coordinate any necessary consultations with other specialists, including ophthalmologists, surgeons and pulmonologists.

Learn more about the NICU →

Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

The Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Northwest Children's Hospital offers care for children at the most critical point in their lives. Our 12-bed unit has:

  • Highly-skilled staff that are certified in pediatric advanced life support
  • Pediatric intensivist
  • Physical, occupational and speech therapists
  • Pediatric dietary consultants
  • Pediatric Therapy. Northwest Texas Healthcare System Children's Hospital provides a comprehensive therapeutic team that works with your child on developmental delays and neurological and physical deficits. Each team includes licensed and certified physical, occupational and speech therapists who specialize in pediatric assessment and treatment.

Donate Items to the Children's Hospital

If you would like to make a donation, such as toys or blankets, please fill out our donation form.

Ronald McDonald Family Room

The Ronald McDonald Family Room includes laundry and shower facilities, a library and a kitchen area for families of children who are patients in the Pediatrics Unit or Intensive Care Units (ICU). This is a special feature for those who need a taste of home but don't want to leave their child.

Services and Programs for Parents and Children

Other services and programs for parents and children are:

  • H.O.P.E. (Healing Our Parental Emptiness Support Group) — meets the first Thursday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at Crown of Texas Hospice, 1000 South Jefferson. Call 806-372-7696 for more information.
  • The Child Life Program. This program includes structured activities, one-on-one interactions with children and staff and lots of arts and crafts. A child may get to be a princess for a day or have a great camp-out!
  • Pediatric Dietary Counseling. Learn what you can do to encourage your child to eat healthy meals.

Special Needs Resources

Texas Medicaid Waiver Programs 

Waiver programs are a gateway to obtaining services for your child. These programs are not based on family income and are managed by the Health and Human Services Commission.

Further details are available on these websites:

To initiate services and/or get on the waiting list, call the phone number for the program.

  • Call each year to make sure your child is still on the list to receive services (use your child’s birthday as a reminder).
  • Many services have waiting lists, so don’t delay in registering your child, even if you are not sure your child will need them. You can always decline at a later date.
  • Ask for confirmation that your child is on the list!

Here is a list of programs to get started

Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS)
The condition must have occurred before the child was age 22.

Home and Community-Based Services (HSC)

Texas Home Living (TXHML)

Texas Panhandle Centers
806-358-1681 or 806-351-3213
Texas Panhandle Centers can help you sign up for HSC and Texas Home Living.

Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD)

Medically Dependent Children’s Program (MDCP)

STAR+PLUS Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS)
For over age 21, with speech impairment or hard of hearing, dial 7-1-1 or 800-735-2989.

Youth Empowerment Services (YES) Texas Panhandle Centers
Autism: 806-358-1681
Child and Adolescent: 806-354-2191 or 800-692-4039

Parent Support Groups Panhandle Independent Living Center (PILC)
Has a support group for parents and grandparents of children with disabilities of all ages. Attend in person or call the number to be added to a ZOOM link. Held on the fourth Tuesday of every month from 5:30 to 7 p.m.

Hali Project
Hosts Zaccheus Place, a ministry for adults with special needs on Wednesday nights and other events, such as Game Night.

Uniting Parents
Educational offerings in English and Spanish with fun events during the year, such as breakfast with Santa and zoo events. Call 888-892-2273 to receive the Children with Special Health Care Needs Resource Handbook, or go to or

Pen Project
Offers parents training to advocate for the educational needs of your child. Admission Review Dismissal meetings direct how and what your child will be taught, and are important for parents to attend.

Health & Human Services

Medicaid Hotline

Find a Doctor

If you need a referral to a pediatrician affiliated with Northwest Texas Healthcare System, contact our free physician referral service at 800-887-1114.